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108SE : Electrical Science

This section shows main aspects of the module 108SE : Electrical Science


The module aims to provide a broad basic introduction to electrical science for non-specialists. It places an emphasis on dc circuit theory, electrical supply and rotating machinery.

Intended Learning Outcomes

The intended learning outcomes are that on completion of this module the student should be able to:

1. Employ the basic laws and analysis techniques of dc, single-phase and three-phase electrical systems.

2. Identify the requirements of various standard electrical systems and predict their performance.

3. Apply the fundamental laws of electromagnetism to transformers, motors, generators, and solenoids.


- Electrical quantities: resistance, inductance, capacitance, current, voltage, power, energy.
- Circuit theorems & analysis: Linearity, Ohm's law, Kirchoff's laws, application to dc circuits.
- Periodic waveforms, peak, mean and rms values.
- Simple phasor diagrams, power in ac circuits.
- Three-phase sources, balanced three-phase star connected loads.
- Magnetic fields: flux density, field strength, magnetic materials, permanent magnets, electromagnetism, Ampere's law, forces in magnetic systems.
- Energy storage: secondary batteries, fuel cells, capacitors and inductors. Common secondary battery technologies and their characteristics.
- Electromagnetic induction, the ideal transformer, forces on a conductor. Operation of a dc machine, 3 phase induction motor, synchronous machines. Generation of voltage.

Teaching and Learning

Activity  Type Hours Comments
Practical Classes and workshop -
Tutorial -
Lecture -
Guuided independent study -
TTotal student effort for the module: 100 hours

Comprising 22 hours lectures and tutorials and a 2-hour practical exercise


Assessment Type Weigth Exam Length
Coursework 50%
Exam 50% 1.5h

Assessment is through an assignment report (50%) and a 1.5 hour unseen examination (50%).


- Warnes, L. (1998); Electronic and Electrical Engineering-Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition, UK: Macmillan Press Ltd (ISBN 0333743113)
- Cogdell, J.R. (1999); Foundations of Electric Power, UK: Prentice-Hall (ISBN 0139077677)
- Hughes, E. (2008) Electrical and Electronic Technology, 10th Edition Harlow, UK: Pearson Prentice Hall (ISBN 0132060110)


Lecture Plan

LECTURE 1: Introduction, Ohm’s Law, Electrical Components

LECTURE 2: Kirchhoff’s Laws, Voltage and Current Divider rule

LECTURE 3: Mesh analysis

LECTURE 4: Superposition Theorem

LECTURE 5: AC Circuits, Inductance, Capacitance

LECTURE 6: AC power, phasor diagram

LECTURE 7: Resonance

LECTURE 8: 3-phase circuit

LECTURE 9: Magnetic theory, transformers

LECTURE 10: DC generator, motor