At the end of the module the students should be able to:
(1) Knowledge and Understanding
Use the fundamental laws and theorems for circuit analysis. Learn how the laws of electromagnetism are applied
to the design of induction motors, synchronous generators and transformers and understand the
electromechanical power conversion process.
(2) Skills and Attributes
(i) Intellectual
Analyse ac and dc electrical circuits and predict their performance. Understand and apply the fundamental laws
of electromagnetism to different types of electrical machines, and be able to predict their performance in real life
(ii) Practical
Determine the equivalent circuit parameters and the performance of a single phase transformer in the laboratory.
Compare the theoretical and practical results under load conditions and build confidence in the understanding of,
and the application of theory to practice. Work safety by taking adequate precautions when testing power
equipment under laboratory conditions.
(iii) Transferable
Analyse complex electrical circuits in logical steps and apply the fundamental laws of electrical circuit analysis
and electromagnetism, to other problems (systems, networks etc.). Write technical reports.