Dr. Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt has lectured on 11 October 2010 at UNEFA-Maracay, Venezuela .  

11st October 2010, UNEFA, Maracay-Venezuela

It was a emotive speech because he was a associate professor at this university over 14 years. The spoke about the future challenges on the power systems as consequence of higher penetration levels of wind power.

He started his lecture talking about the wind energy basic concepts, and he talked about the wind energy resource in Venezuela and the prospective development around the world, special emphasis is expected on wind energy assessment in Venezuela.

Finally he talked about the 2030 vision of the electrical power system in Europe, specially words were dedicated to the important project Supergid.

A wonderful set of questions/answers was the end of this important lecture.

Dr Francisco M. Gonzalez Longatt during his speech



In this photo Prof Cesar Peraza (Yellow shirt)


In this photo; Prof Arturo Hernandez (blue shirt) and Prof Frednides Guillen (black suit)



















Sent by: Dr. Francisco M. González-Longatt 15 November 2010. fglongatt.org.ve

Comments: fglongatt@fglongatt.org.ve




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