Papers Published before 2010
This section shows a list of papers published by Professor Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt before 2010
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P. Wall, F. Gonzalez-Longatt, "Demonstration of an inertia constant estimation method through simulation". 2010 45th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 31 August-3 September 2010, Cardiff, UK. (Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-7667-1)
M. Sepulveda, S. Arnaltes, O. Ravelo, P. de Oliveira, T. Ponde de Leao, I. Hernández, F. González-Longatt. "Trasient Stability Analysis of Electrical Power System with High Penetration Levels of wind Power. Case Isla Margarita - Venezuela". III Congreso Venezolano de Redes y Energía Eléctrica. 3-6 June de 2009. Margarita Venezuela, Venezuela.
F. González-Longatt, A. Hernández, F. Guillen, R. Terán, C. Peraza, E. Gavorskis. "Effect of the Distributed Generation in the Voltage Stability in Power Systems". III Congreso Venezolano de Redes y Energía Eléctrica. 3-6 June de 2009. Margarita Venezuela, Venezuela.
F. González-Longatt, A. Hernández, F. Guillen, R. Terán, C. Peraza, E. Gavorskis. "Impact of the distributed generation operative mode on Voltage Profile and Power losses in Distribution System".III Congreso Venezolano de Redes y Energía Eléctrica. 3-6 June de 2009. Margarita Venezuela, Venezuela.
C. Peraza, J. Díaz, F. Arteaga, C. Villanueva, F. González-Longatt. "Modeling of Faults in operational amplifier circuits using Bond Graphs". XIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Control. 25-28 Noviembre de 2008. Mérida, Venezuela - In Spanish.
C. Peraza, J. Díaz, F. Arteaga, C. Villanueva, F. González-Longatt “Modeling of Faults in Operational Amplifier Circuits using Bond Graph”. 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. 10-13 November, 2008. Orlando. USA.
F. González-Longatt. "Wind energy resource in Venezuela". III Congreso Petrolero y Energético ASME-UNEFA-PC. 30-31 Octubre y 1 Noviembre de 2008.
F. González-Longatt, Y. Jaspe, F. Torres, F. Guillen. "Effect of the optimal location of distributed energy resources over power losses and voltage regulation in power systems". Jornadas de Investigación de la Facultad de Ingeniería, JIFI 2008. Universidad Central de Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela. 27-31 October de 2008.- In Spanish.
C. Peraza, J. Díaz, F. Arteaga, C. Villanueva, F. Gonzalez-Longatt, “Modeling and Simulation of PEM Fuel Cell with Bond Graph and 20sim”. IEEE 2008 American Control Conference. Seattle, June 11-13, 2008. Washington, USA
F. González-Longatt, A. Ríos, A. Strauss, R. Terán. "Experimental estimation of the Electrical Parameters of a Single Cage Induction Machine". III Iberoamericano de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Eléctrica, III CIBELEC. 5-9 Mayo de 2008. Mérida Venezuela.
F. González-Longatt, A. Ríos, A. Strauss, R. Terán. "Characterization Steady State Operation of Single Cage Induction Machine". III Iberoamericano de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Eléctrica, III CIBELEC. 5-9 Mayo de 2008. Mérida Venezuela. - In Spanish.
F. Guillén Guerra, F. González-Longatt. "Methodological development of Optimal Location Distributed Energy Resources in Distribution Networks". III Iberoamericano de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Eléctrica, III CIBELEC. 5-9 Mayo de 2008. Mérida Venezuela. - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt, E. Palencia. "Load Flow Program for Electric Distribution System". III Iberoamericano de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Eléctrica, III CIBELEC. 5-9 Mayo de 2008. Mérida Venezuela. - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt. "Considerations about Reactive Power Compensation and Short Circuit Levels on integration of Single Cage Induction Generators". III Iberoamericano de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Eléctrica, III CIBELEC. 5-9 May 2008. Mérida Venezuela. - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt. "Dynamic behaviour of constant speed wind turbine with single cage induction generator". I Exposición Industrial Internacional sobre Energía Eólica. 19-20 de Mayo de 2008, Caracas, Venezuela. - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt. "Climatic Change: Prospective data". III Encuentro de Ciencia, Tecnología e Inventiva Estudiantil. UNEXPO Puerto Ordaz, 21 al 23 de Mayo de 2008. Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela. - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt. "Influence of Turbulence on Power Quality: Comparative study between Constant and Variable Wind Turbines". 7th International Workshop on Large Scale Integration of Wind Power and on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms. 26-27 May 2008, Madrid Spain.
F. González-Longatt. "Considerations about Reactive Power Compensation and Short Circuit Levels on Constant Speed Wind Turbines". 7th International Workshop on Large Scale Integration of Wind Power and on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms. 26-27 May 2008, Madrid Spain.
F. González-Longatt. "Alternative Energy Resource and Distributed Generation Research Area: An offer". II Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Postgrado. Caracas, Venezuela. 07- 11st May of 2007. Abstract. - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt. "Philosophical aspects of researching in electrical engineering: true experiences". II Encuentro de Ciencia Tecnología e Inventiva Estudiantil. UNEXPO, Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela. 3-4th May of 2007. Abstract. - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt, O. Amaya, M. Cooz, L. Duran. "Dynamic Behaviour of Constant Speed WT based on Induction Generator Directly connect to Grid". 6th World Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition (WWEC 2007). October 2-4, 2007. Mar del Plata Argentina.
F. González-Longatt. "Impact of Distributed Generation over Power Losses on Distribution System". 9th International Conferance on Electrical Power Quality and Utilization. 9-11st October of 2007. Barcelona, Spain.
F. González-Longatt, A. Facendo, C. Peraza, C. Villanueva. "Operation Analysis of Fuel Cells as Sources Electricity". I Congreso Venezolano de Redes y Energía Eléctrica. 12 al 14th November of 2007. Lecherías, Venezuela. - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt, O. Amaya, M. Cooz. "Behavior Evaluation of Variable Speed Wind Turbine with Double Fed Induction Generator". I Congreso Venezolano de Redes y Energía Eléctrica. 12-14th November of 2007. Lecherías, Venezuela. - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt, C Ornelas, W. Marchena, F. Guillen, A. Hernández. "Methodology for optimal allocation of distributed energy resources using Linear Programming". I Congreso Venezolano de Redes y Energía Eléctrica. 12-14th November of 2007. Lecherías, Venezuela.- In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt, F. Chacon, F. Guillen, A. Hernández. “Effect over Power Losses Voltage Regulation on Distribution systems with Distributed Generation”. Jornadas de Investigación de la Facultad de Ingeniería UCV, JIFI 2006. Caracas, Venezuela. 27th Oct-02nd Nov of 2006.- In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt, E. Gavorskis, M. Bolívar O, F. Guillen, A. Hernández. “Impact of wind speed and load variability over wind farms connected to distribution system”. Jornadas Jornadas de Investigación de la Facultad de Ingeniería UCV, JIFI 2006. Caracas, Venezuela. 27th Oct-02nd Nov of 2006. - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt, R. Terán, J. Méndez, A. Hernández, F. Guillen, “Evaluation of Wind Energy Resources on Venezuela”. I Congreso de Petrolero Energético ASME-UNEFA, Puerto. Cabello, Venezuela, 26-28th October of 2006. - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt, J. Méndez, R. Villasana, “Preliminary Evaluation of Wind Energy Utilization on Margarita Island, Venezuela”. Sixth International Worshop on large-Scale of Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms, Delft, Netherlands. 26-28th October of 2006.
F. González-Longatt, E. Gavoskis, M. Bolivar. “Effects Over Distribution Feeder of High Penetration Levels of WECS Based on Induction Generators”. Sixth International Worshop on large-Scale of Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms, Delft, Netherlands. 26-28th October of 2006.
F. Chacon F. González-Longatt F. Guillen, "Design and Implementation of a MATLAB® program for load flow calculations in Distribution networks with Distributed Generation". I Jornadas de Proyectos de Ingeniería Electrónica, I JOPIE, Maracay, Venezuela, 31st July of 2006. - In Spanish.
E. Gavoskis M. Bolívar F. González-Longatt, "Implementation of a program for load flow calculations including model of wind farms". I Jornadas de Proyectos de Ingeniería Electrónica, I JOPIE, Maracay, Venezuela, 31st July of 2006. - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt, "Proposal for the Design of a Measurement System for Wind Energy to be used in the Meteorological Station WT-A-1". I Jornadas de Proyectos de Ingeniería Electrónica, I JOPIE, Maracay, Venezuela, 31st Julio of 2006. - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt, J. Méndez, R. Villasana, C. Peraza. “Wind Energy Resource Evaluation on Venezuela: Part I”. Nordic Wind Power Conference NWPC 2006, Espoo, Finland. 22-23rd May of 2004.
F. González-Longatt, F. Guillen, A. Hernández, R. Teran, C. Peraza "Current status and prospective of research and development for alternative energy resources in UNEFA" I Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Postgrado del Siglo XII, Caracas, Venezuela 8-12 Mayo 2006. - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt, F. Guillen, A. Hernández, R. Teran, C. Peraza "Expediencies in research and development of electrical engineering computational tool" I Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Postgrado del Siglo XII, Caracas, Venezuela 8-12nd Mayo of 2006 - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt. “Wind turbines: Characterization of operation”. II Congreso Iberoamericano de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Eléctrica Eléctrica, Electrónica y Computación, II CIBELEC 2006. Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela, Venezuela, 3-7th April of 2006. - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt. “Model of Photovoltaic Module in Matlab™”. II Congreso Iberoamericano de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Eléctrica Eléctrica, Electrónica y Computación, II CIBELEC 2006. Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela,3-7th April of 2006.
F. González-Longatt. “Circuit Based Battery Models: A Review”. II Congreso Iberoamericano de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Eléctrica Eléctrica, Electrónica y Computación, II CIBELEC 2006. Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela, 3-7th April of 2006. - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt, F. Guillen, A. Hernández, R. Terán, C. Peraza, "Current status and prospective of research and development for alternative energy resources in UNEFA”. I Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Postgrado UNEFA, Caracas, March of 2006. - In Spanish.
González-Longatt, F. “Impact of Distributed Synchronous Generators on Distribution Feeder Stability”. First International ICSC Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in energy Systems and Power, AIESP 2006, 7-10th February of 2006.
González-Longatt, F., Peraza C., Villanueva, C. “Dynamic Behaviour of a Distribution System: High Penetration Level of Micro-turbines”. Third International Symposium on Power Quality SICEL 2005, Bogotá Colombia, 16-18th November of 2006.
González-Longatt F. and Fortoul C. “Review of Distributed Generation Concept: Attempt of Unification” International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ´05), España, 16-18th March of 2005.
F. González-Longatt, A. Hernández, F. Guillen, C. Fortoul. “Load following Function of Fuel Cell Plant in Distributed Environment”. International Conference on renewable energy and Power Quality (ICREPQ´05). 16-18th march of 2005. Zaragoza, Spain, 2005.
F. González-Longatt, A. Hernández, F. Guillen, C. Fortoul. “Dynamic Performance Implications of the Power Conditioner Grid-Connected for Photovoltaic Source”. International Conference on renewable energy and Power Quality (ICREPQ´05). 16-18th March of 2005. Zaragoza, Spain, 2005.
F. González-Longatt. “Grounding systems: An introduction to the security”. I Seminario Seguridad Eléctrica en la Industria y Riesgo Eléctrico en la Empresa, UNEXPO, Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela, 16th April of 2005. - In Spanish.
F. Gonzalez-Longatt. “Simplified Model for Dynamic Behaviour of PMSG in WECS”. Fifth International Workshop on Large-scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms. Glasgow, Scotland. 7-8 April 2005.
F. González Longatt. “Wind energy conversion system: An introduction”. I Jornada ELECTRICOM. Maracay, Venezuela, 2005. - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt. "Energy conversion System. Tutorial”. En las memorias de I Congreso Tecnológico Científico IUTEB, Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela, 6-9th July of 2005.- In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt. “Adjust of transformer tap changer based on sensitivity analysis in the Power Flow”, IV Congreso Venezolano de Ingeniería. Eléctrica CVIE-2004, Caracas, Venezuela, 7-10th September of 2004. - In Spanish.
F. González-Longatt. “Model for dynamic behaviour of a fuel cell: Application of distributed generation". I Congreso Iberoamericano de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Eléctrica I CIBELEC 2004, Mérida, Venezuela, 3-7th May of 2004. - In Spanish.
González-Longatt, F, Rodríguez C, Caridad L. "Implementation a computational module for calculates the electric parameter of power cables". I Congreso Iberoamericano de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Eléctrica I CIBELEC 2004, Mérida, Venezuela, 3-7th Mayo de 2004. - In Spanish.
González-Longatt, F. "Modelling and dynamic behaviour of inverter system for distributed energy resources". I Congreso Iberoamericano de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Eléctrica I CIBELEC 2004, Mérida, Venezuela, 3-7th May of 2004. - In Spanish.
González-Longatt F, C. Peraza, C. Villanueva. “Dynamic behaviour of Fuel Cell power plants: Distributed generation”. Revista de Ingeniería de UC, December 2004, Vol 11, Nº 3, Valencia, 2005. - In Spanish.
Gonzalez-Longatt, F. “Fuel cells: application perspectives in distributed generation”. I Seminario de Ingeniería Eléctrica. UNEXPO, Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela,13-15th October of 2004. - In Spanish.
González-Longatt, F. “Distributed generation technologies: Costs and efficiencies”. I Seminario de Ingeniería Eléctrica. UNEXPO, Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela,13-15th October de 2004. - In Spanish.